Join Us!

Angela Morgan's art celebrates the joy and exuberance of a happy life.  You may see families enjoying the outdoors - skiing, cycling, or even building snowmen.  Other paintings feature ladies celebrating together.  Perhaps you fall in love with a painting of just one woman....flamboyantly dressed in an outfit that exudes confidence.  One thing is certain - with gallery representation in Canada, the U.S., Mexico, Ireland and Switzerland - Angela Morgan's paintings are a reflection of the artist and her enormous talent. We are proud to be her chosen representatives in the Okanagan!

This exhibition opens June 17th, and will hang until June 27th.  Please join us with Angela Morgan for the opening Reception, June 17th from 4:00 o’clock until 8:00 o’clock and a demo on June 18th from 1:00 until 4:00 o'clock. 

Your team Gallery 421!